Friday, September 23, 2011

Hairstyles & Hair Ideas For Clubbing

!±8± Hairstyles & Hair Ideas For Clubbing

Outrageous skin baring outfits aren't the only way to get noticed during a night on the town, whether you're at Pure in Las Vegas or at the club down the street. If you want to break out of your boring hair rut and make an entrance worthy of an A-list celeb, there are dozens of ways to do it. Experiment with a dark Goth image, a wispy, playful emo cut, or create your own clubbing do. Here's a rundown of some of the wildest styles on the big city club scene.


Your imagination is the limit with punk hair. Worn with spikes, wild colors and Mohawks for that outrageous night out, the key lies in the cut, not the color. Usually short and spiky, punk cuts can also feature hair cut long on one side and short on the other or one side of the head shaved clean. The Mohawk and all its variations, including liberty spikes and the fanned hawk, in which the strip in the middle of the head resembles a fan, remains a favorite of adventurous teens and twenty-somethings.

To add a crazy tint to your punk style, try brush-on colors with products like Streekers. Apply colors with a wand to the strands you want, then remove them when you shampoo. This is a great way to get multicolored braids or sections of hair without time-consuming or sloppy dyes or sprays.


Short Hair

Think about all those bright wild fashions in the "Austin Powers" movies-with hairstyles to match. The short geometric hairstyles made famous by models like Twiggy and seen on hundreds of dancers in TV shows, these simple, angular cuts are geared to bone-straight hair. Revisit them for clubbing by putting a modern twist on them, ala the Posh Spice bob.

Long hair works well on teens and twenty-somethings. Usually worn straight, you may add wave with curlers or a curling iron depending on the length.

Bouffants and Beehives

A 1950s or 1960s theme night at a club brings in all kinds of retro hairdos, including the bouffant and the beehive. Of course, the Amy Winehouse version is in vogue now, but the troubled songstress wasn't the first to perfect the look.

Leather jacketed rocker gals championed the look in the 50s and First Lady Jackie Kennedy brought the bouffant look into the mainstream in the early 1960s. Achieve the beehive look by using a combination of different size rollers and sectioning the hair from front to back. The large curls required huge hair rollers secured with bobby pins. Clairol hot rollers or the drugstore bought soft rollers (yes, they still make 'em). The Amy Winehouse bouffant is simpler. Just section the hair and clip on a hairpiece to the crown of the head.

GOTH (The Goth look)

Hair color really makes a difference with Goth hair. This genre, characterized by deep black and burnished red colors, lends itself to longer hair, intricate braiding and the occasional choppy or spiky style.

If you're going out to a Goth or 'industrial music' club, you'll need a hairstyle that complements the PVC, leather or vinyl favored by patrons of such clubs, and longer hair just looks better with most of those outfits. Try browsing Goth music or fashion sites to get ideas for potentials hairstyles. If you don't have time to braid your own hair, try Sally Beauty Supply or other stores for clip-ons.

Don't wash your hair everyday if you want to maintain vivid punk or Goth colored hair. If you dye your hair extreme 'Goth' black, it's hard to go back. It's best to visit a professional colorist to prevent damage if you want to return to your original color. The same goes for hair colored with henna. If you change your mind a lot or are a hairstyle chameleon stick with icy blondes or spray/paint on colors. You can accessorize Goth hair with everything from spider web clips to skull and skeleton bows.


Don't mistake the punk cuts mentioned above for 'emo.' Emo hair is much shorter and less dependent on color and accessories than Goth hair. Short and choppy works best. Show your ears with the pixie cut, which looks even better with crazy colors. Girls' emo hair tends to be really short and messy, either directly from the cut or from scrunching it up yourself after the fact. Try a pixie cut that exposes the ears, preferably with bangs. Add streaks. At any given club or emo concert, you'll find girls (and some guys) with dark brown or black hair with white streaks or tips.

Hairstyles & Hair Ideas For Clubbing

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Monday, September 19, 2011

Hardly the most famous men or women in American history

!±8± Hardly the most famous men or women in American history

Last month, the Smithsonian magazine included a startling article on a recent survey conducted by Sam Wineburg to the "famous" Americans since the days of Columbus, several presidents and first ladies to be determined. According to a survey of school-age children, six of the most famous women in American and four are African-Americans.

In order, these were the top ten:

1 Martin Luther King Jr.

2 Rosa Parks

3 Harriet Tubman

4 Susan B. Anthony

5 BenzoinFranklin

6 Amelia Earhart

7 Oprah Winfrey

Marilyn Monroe 8

9 Thomas Edison

10 Albert Einstein

At first glance, this is not a list of both the ten most famous Americans or the ten most important Americans. (Mr. Wineburg concluded that he obtained the same results if he had asked participants to call "important" for Americans.) But the survey we learn (or remember) three things.

First, children usually tell adults what they thinkshould. That's why no rappers or wrestlers study the list. Every boy has heard of "diversity" knows that will not go wrong by identifying Martin Luther King or Susan B. Anthony as a person of fame.

Second, political correctness has triumphed in our history lessons. This survey makes it clear that history teachers (now, unfortunately, "social studies" teachers) now give so much time to the most famous women in American history, as are men, and how longAfrican-Americans compared to Caucasians. What is the name of Harriet Tubman to explain in this list? His is a great story, students should know. But who would seriously argue that had more than a very small impact on American history - even the history of abolition? What else can explain the name of a woman aviator best known for failing to fly around the world?

However, my concern with the third lesson I draw from this list: History teachers giveSupremacy for the threads of American history, the struggle for equal rights at the expense of all others.

Where are the pioneers and explorers in this list? No more students do not learn of Lewis and Clark? Or even about Sacagawea? Fifty years ago there were television programs of Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett coonskin hats and the guys all wanted. I wonder if kids today even know who they were. Not the Wright brothers? Or Charles Lindbergh? What about JohnGlenn and Neil Armstrong? They are teachers today embarrassed that Americans conquered the wilderness, learned to fly, orbited the earth and walked on the moon?

Where are the generals and admirals? General Washington and General Grant were not on the list because they were the president, but what about Commodore Perry? General Robert E. Lee? General Douglas MacArthur? Surely we are not ashamed of the military successes that we are free and democratic for 200 years! PinkParks was a hero in good faith and a catalyst for the civil rights movement, but what about Revolutionary War catalysts Paul Revere (the midnight rider) or Nathan Hale ("I only regret that I only have one life to give for my country" ). We think that the revolutionary war was not worth much because the Founding Fathers left slavery in place?

Which of the giants of industry and finance like Andrew Carnegie, JP Morgan, Andrew Mellon, John D. Rockefeller, George Eastman and John Paul Getty? Ifshould political correctness is de-emphasizing military history in our curriculum, I suppose it will be a surprise if children do not have the men who built modern America is taught. When I was a kid, everyone knew that the only two billionaires in the world (Getty and Howard Hughes). In 2008, Bill Gates was not on a list of famous Americans?

Where are the giants of American philanthropy (essentially the same names as the giants of industry and finance)?

Where are thereligious leaders? For 50 years, Billy Graham's name sat atop the polls of the most admired Americans while other names came and went. One can only conclude that decades of muddled ideas about "separation of church and state" in schools, people are reluctant, in which this man of God in the same breath with such secular saints such as Martin Luther King and Susan B. Anthony.

Where are all in this list of American writers, poets, musicians, artists? Harriet Beecher Stowe, RalphWaldo Emerson, Walt Whitman, Edith Wharton, Virginia Woolf, or Ernest Hemingway? Scott Joplin, Duke Ellington, or Leonard Bernstein? Surely Mark Twain, America's greatest writers and the characters of the first order in his time, or Louis Armstrong, the greatest musicians of the jazz world achieved fame enough for this list.

The survey shows, at least, that children learn about scientific and technological achievements of the Americans, with Franklin, Edison, Einstein, and eachWho made the cut.

The real proof that the children interviewed said that they thought, she is actually saying that there are only two entertainers of the list (Marilyn Monroe and Oprah). No Babe Ruth? Or Madonna? Sinatra? Elvis?

Millions flock to Graceland, Elvis records are still sold millions, and Elvis impersonators still proliferate. Held here in Rochester, but fighting a small non-profit organization Susan B. Anthony 's modest inner-city site open to the publicas a museum. My last visit was well worth the time, but I wonder if even 5,000 people visit the Susan B. Anthony House in a year. Are we to believe that this extraordinary woman is most famous American of Elvis?

We can be sure of one thing: our children are taught that our nation's greatest heroes are not pioneers, soldiers, writers, or preachers, but those responsible for the crusade for civil rights. Four of the names on the list represents the struggle for racial equality(King, Parks, Tubman, and Winfrey), two of the names are with the struggle for women's rights (Anthony, Earhart) has been identified. Civil rights are all well and good, but it's not just American history.

A colleague has not been without its critics with constructive ideas of their own. I mocked the results of a survey of school children by Sam Wineburg, which distorts the list of American celebrities who have been badly hit by political correctness was performed.

But if the children in the survey did notreally select the ten most famous people in American history that should be on that list?

Reported in this survey, in the Smithsonian, the American Presidents and First Ladies were not eligible. Let's start with this stick. But let me propose two lists, one for men, one for women.

Ten famous American men:

1 Benjamin Franklin
2 Martin Luther King Jr.
3 Babe Ruth
4 Albert Einstein
5 Mark Twain
6 Billy Graham
7 Elvis Presley
8 Lewis & Clark
9Louis Armstrong
10 Charles Lindbergh

Their claim to fame?

Benjamin Franklin. Catalyst of the American Revolution, once the most famous person in the world. He invented the Franklin stove, bifocals, the lightning rod. Printer, scientist, politician, diplomat, writer. Poor Richard Almanac. Ben Franklin impersonators. Picture on the hundred-dollar bill.

Martin Luther King Jr. Catalyst of the American movement for civil rights and leads to lasting changes in the racial laws andAttitudes. A history of famous speeches ("I Have a Dream"). National holiday its name.

Babe Ruth. One of the biggest names in the national game of America. Larger-than-life personality. It could be almost as good as it could have hit up. Even more great Mohammed Ali or Joe DiMaggio. Candy bar named after him.

Albert Einstein. The physicist and discoverer of the theory of relativity, must be reconstructed through fewer than a dozen people. It is not a mad scientist, but looked the part. Synonymouswith the genius.

Mark Twain. Our greatest writer, creator of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Steamboat operator, humorist, lecturer, literary critic. Immensely popular during his life. Mark Twain imitators.

Billy Graham. America's most famous religious figure. He has brought millions of people to faith in Jesus Christ crusades around the world. Better to sell books. Prayed with the president. Modest lifestyle, scandal lifeless.

Elvis Presley. The King of Rock and Roll. "Jailhouse Rock," "LoveMe Tender, "" Suspicious Minds, "" Burning Love. "B-movie star. Las Vegas nightclub star. Legend cemented by early death. Graceland. Elvis Impersonators.

Lewis & Clark. Captain Meriwether Lewis, Lieutenant William Clark, America's most famous explorers. Paddled the Missouri River, crossed the Rocky Mountains, reached the Atlantic. We could not do it without the guide and translator Sacagawea Shoshone (picture-dollar coin).

Louis Armstrong. America the greatest jazz musicians. ExpansivePersonality, style, unique voice and trumpet. "Hello Dolly". The ubiquitous "What a Wonderful World."

Charles Lindbergh. "Lucky Lindy." Celebrities from the unprecedented solo flight across the Atlantic in 1927. Child kidnapped and killed in the crime of the century. "Spirit of St. Louis" in the Smithsonian Institution.

If the list has gone up to 20 men famous Americans, could also (11) Thomas Alva Edison (inventor), (12) Wright Brothers (Pilot), (13) Walt Disney (Filmmaker)(14) Frank Sinatra (singer), (15) Henry Ford (auto mogul) (16), Muhammed Ali (boxing champion), (17) Robert E. Lee (General), (18) Daniel Webster (statesman) (19), John D. Rockefeller (oil tycoon and philanthropist) and (20) Ralph Waldo Emerson (writer and philosopher).

Candidates for an even longer list of famous American men might also Nathan Hale (Revolutionary War hero), Daniel Boone (pioneer), Bill Gates (Microsoft billionaire and philanthropist), John Wayne (actor)Winslow Homer (painter), Alexander Graham Bell (inventor), Robert Frost (poet), Douglas MacArthur (General), John Glenn (astronaut), Norman Rockwell (painter and illustrator), Frederick Douglass (abolitionist and editor), Henry David Thoreau (writer and philosopher), Henry Clay (statesman), Jack London (screenplay), William Penn (Quaker founder of Pennsylvania), Howard Hughes (billionaire), Houdini (magician), Norman Vincent Peale (priest and author), Ernest Hemingway ( author), F. ScottFitzgerald (writer), Andy Warhol (painter), Walt Whitman (poet), Horace Greeley (newspaper), Billy Sunday (Protestant evangelist), John C. Calhoun (statesman), Neil Armstrong (astronaut).

Ten famous women:

1 Oprah Winfrey
Marilyn Monroe 2
3 Pocahontas
4 Helen Keller
5 Emily Dickinson
6 Harriet Beecher Stowe
7 Susan B. Anthony
8 Betsy Ross
9 Edith Wharton
10 Amelia Earhart

Their claim to fame:

Oprah Winfrey. Fabulouslyrich, incredibly popular television talk host, producer, magazine publisher, entrepreneur, book critic, philanthropist.

Marilyn Monroe. Actress, Model. Posed for Playboy. Married Joe DiMaggio. Elton John's "Candle in the Wind."

Pocahontas. Daughter of Chief Powhatan. Saved Virginia colonists from starving risked his life to save John Smith. Married John Rolfe, died in England. Disney Animated Movies.

Helen Keller. A double wall on disability. Author, suffragette,political activist. Oscar-winning "The Miracle Worker."

Emily Dickinson. Solitary New England spinster, first-rate poet.

Since I could not stop death

He kindly gave me -

The carriage held but just ourselves -

And immortality

Harriet Beecher Stowe. Most effective opponent of American slavery. History of the cabin most influential novel, Uncle Tom.

Susan B. Anthony. Suffragette, orator, abolitionist, temperance advocate. SentencedRochester for voting illegally. America's most influential advocates of rights for women, responsible for Frederick Douglass, Susan B. Anthony Bridgeeventual adoption of the amendment of the nineteenth century. New bridge over the Genesee River in Rochester, after her and Frederick Douglass (known locally as "Freddie-Sue") named. Picture a dollar coin.

Betsy Ross. Fighting Quaker, Revolutionary War patriot. Presumably designed and have the Stars and Stripes did, although probablynot.

Edith Wharton. First Class American writer, landscape architect, war reporter. The House of Mirth, The Age of Innocence. For every tenth grader, Ethan Fromme.

Amelia Earhart. Pioneer woman aviator, feminist icon. First woman to fly the Atlantic alone. Disappeared in the Pacific trying to fly around the world.

Other famous women: Madonna (singer), Rosa Parks (civil rights catalyst), Lucille Ball (actress), Flannery O'Connor (writer), Virginia Woolf (Author), ArethaFranklin (singer), Sacagawea (Indian leader), Sandra Day O'Connor (Supreme Court), Billie Jean King (tennis champion), Ida Tarbell (investigative journalist), Katharine Hepburn (actress), Harriet Tubman (hero of Underground Railroad ), Carrie Nation (temperance crusader), Dorothy Parker (writer), Margaret Mead (anthropologist), Gertrude Stein (writer). Still more possible candidates are in the National Women's Hall of Fame, mostly non-entertainers. Disqualified from our list becauseThe wives of Presidents: Eleanor Roosevelt, Hillary Clinton, Abigail Adams.

Of course, fame and earned fame are different matters. They are celebrities. Lists of men and women strictly based on power and historical importance would be very different.

Hardly the most famous men or women in American history

Low Price Stamina Upright Bike

Monday, September 12, 2011

A Moveable Feast in Havana

!±8± A Moveable Feast in Havana

I visited Havana, hoping to capture the special atmosphere of the fifties, when people like Frank Sinatra and Ernest Hemingway frequented the city and was not disappointed.

If he were still alive, Frank Sinatra would be 91 hours in his heyday, was the slogan: "And 'the world of Frank, we just live in it." This world certainly include Cuba, visited Frank in 1947. I just wanted to see the world of Frank in Havana, where I hoped it would be memorabilia from the fiftiesaccessible.

In Havana Jose Marti International airp ¬ uerto immigration formalities were, as in the fifties, more complicated, when visas were required to go anywhere. It took me an hour to clear the line on immigration. In my case, police officers spent a little 'more care than a minute in comparison with the photo of my face in my passport. Then it took an hour to get my luggage and change my money in "convertible pesos" or CUC. I'm sure that Sinatra had it easier.

There was a lotpoints out, Sinatra on the taxi into town. The radio was playing songs with a Cuban rhythm, Frank would have wanted. As I trav ¬ elled from Havana city center, past murals and graffiti cheered Castro and Che Guevara, we shared the road with Chevrolet and a few vintage Model T and Dodge - Cars, the time before Castro's rule and must be on Road and Frank were at the time.

The next day at the Hotel Nacional de Cuba, with its Gothic facade, fell to SinatraNostalgia. The lobby has some nice mahogany fixtures today, which still reflect the splendor of the day Sinatra. In the bar there is a niche with a poster with the personalities who have visited the hotel in several decades. The section provides Fifty Frank profile with photos of gangsters Meyer Lansky and Santo as Tarfficante.

It 'was the first trip to Cuba by Frank, suspended in February 1947 that his relationship with the Mafia. An FBI surveillance photo showed SinatraNacional with an arm around 'Lucky' Luciano Charles on the balcony of the hotel. Luciano was deported from the United States in Italy in 1946, had come to Havana for a meeting with other mob bosses.

According to many, Sinatra had no idea what exactly has booked when Joe Fischetti, a gangster in New York, owned by the crowds talent to clubs across the country, have hit a 4-day trip to Havana. Joe easily convinced to Sinatra, and his two brothers accompany him to Havana to meet some of"Boys".

Sinatra probably do not realize how many "kids" would meet. The Mafia was a conference in Havana attended by Mafia leaders, including heavyweights such as Luciano, Frank Costello, Meyer Lansky, Albert "The Executioner" Anastasia, Joe Bonanno, Joe Adonis, Chicago Chief Tony Accardo, Florida Chief Santo Trafficante and Meyer Lansky, among many others.

It was Meyer Lansky, the close friendship with Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista, the Mafia boss as activatedSanto Trafficante, a lucrative piece of the action operating casinos in places like the Nacional. Without the casino operation, so much money that the top rated singers like Frank Sinatra, Eartha Kitt would be to fly to Havana shows star on your floor.

Even in Cuba, Fidel Castro, the National or a cabaret show. After a buffet dinner in the hall, which once housed the casino, I went to the disco. Packed with diners and drinkers, have captured the mood of theyesteryears. Even the tissue, breasts modestly covered, calls the social mores of the Fifties. A Cuban singer, accompanied by a big band, a traditional song belt. It was pure nostalgia. In his place I would almost imagine Frank wowing the wives of high-rollers with its interpretation of "All of me".

Besides visiting its casino, Frank also celebrated his 1951 honeymoon with Ava Gardner in Havana.

They honeymoon in Rome, 225 beneficiaries of Nacional, near the salt 211-213Mob. The hotel, built on a rock cliff overlooking the bay towards the Morro, the ancient fortress guarding the entrance to the port of Havana. Ava and Frank must have enjoyed the view, while taking in the sunset cocktails on the terrace overlooking the sea. While Frank's favorite Cutty Sark Scotch, I had my best daiquiris always on the same terrace. The proportions of powdered lime, sugar and rum just fine mix with crushed ice in the bottom of the stem of the glass cord. Nacional had the 'has not lost its class. Consideration of the hotel gardens overlooking the Malecon, Havana waterfront along the bay, I felt like I had become, was a member of Frank, Dean and Sammy.

During their honeymoon, Frank has not shown too much and remember a waiter, Jorge Jorge, bottles of vodka and whiskey delivered to his room. Even if they had a favorite restaurant meal of Ernest Hemingway, not the famous author who lived in Havana. Ava admired ErnestSince he got his first starring role in Robert Siodmak from 1947 movie "The Killers", a story about Hemingway. She was recently selected for a role in the film adaptation of Hemingway's 1936 short story "The Snows of Kilimanjaro". Hemingway was probably held in the city of Ava could easily be a meeting between two American icons: the husband, singer and writer, she "Papa."

The two men, but they lived in different worlds in Havana.

Frank was in the worldHavana Centro, just west of the Malecon, where the crowd ran casinos in luxury hotels like the Capri and Nacional Hotels. In his novel Our Man in Havana, Graham Greene described the first part of the city of Castro, has taken the following words: "In the West, steel skyscrapers of the new city rose like beacons in the clear sky above."

Hemingway World, east of the Malecón in La Habana Vieja (Old Havana), did not have skyscrapers, its beautiful historical buildings - somethe 15 Century. Old Havana begins the Prado, the beautiful avenue lined with a wide central pedestrian area, which extends from the Malecon in Central Park Square. The first time he came to Havana with his future wife Martha Gellhorn third, remained near the Prado, in the charming Hotel Sevilla Biltmore. From there it is a short walk through the old town with its narrow streets, wide enough for a car that is in port. When I went to Calle Obispo (Obispo Road) in hotelAmbos Mundos, it seemed that something has changed since the days of Hemingway.

The Ambos Mundos Hotel was a second home of Hemingway. While living with Martha in the Biltmore Hotel in Seville, has used the hotel as his fall-mail. It did not take his second wife, Pauline fooled again live in Key West. The hotel is within walking distance of the favorite watering holes of his wife, once said that "it was a good place to write." In mid-February 1939, he spent a month in room 511 to sign up at the end of "For Whom the Bell TollsGreat. "Even after taking the Finca Vigia, an abandoned farmhouse on the outskirts of Havana, has maintained his favorite room 511 at Ambos Mundos.

The old and slow elevator to the Ambos Mundos, presumably from the time of Hemingway, I brought only the fourth floor, and I had a flight of stairs to the fifth floor. Room 511 is now a small museum, where some letters and Hemingway to view Royal typewriter. I looked at the prospect of the two corner windows. A window provided insightthe old cathedral, the entrance to the harbor and the sea. It had everything to inspire Hemingway to write a book with a Spanish environment.

The elevator man had recommended that I see the view from the terrace. This view was excellent as I could see the harbor and the skyline of Havana. There was a bar and ordered a mojito, the Cuban national cocktail made with rum, lime and mint. Enjoy the cool breeze, I was wondering if there was this bar in Hemingway's time. If so then it iscould not get much work done on Ambos Mundos have.

In 1940, after he moved to Finca Vigia, Hemingway would be late morning of the Ambos Mundos, to check his mail to be dropped. Later he used a few doors went up to the American consulate, and then lunch at El Floridita, consular and friends, perhaps ending his tour with a walk in the international library. This local appropriately grouped - all on Obispo Street - were its baseOperations.

For drinks and fresh fish, the Floridita, Hemingway favors the corner of Obispo and Monserrate. When the metal shutters up, eleven doors were open to the bustling street life. In coffee, turned the ceiling fans and large mirrors behind the bar, the room under observation from base of Hemingway in the left corner of the bar, the Floridita, the voice went around to have the first floor and a brothel prostitutes as regulars LeopoldinaARoster could always count on a handout from Daddy.

It was time for cocktails and waved El Floridita flashing me with Vegas-style neon lighting. Now in an efficient air-conditioning, bar and dining room closed from the outside world. The waiters wore red coats with white trousers, to synchronize with the striking red and gold interior. Billed as the "Cradle of the Daiquiri," I ordered a daiquiri classic, but the feeling that the sugar and rum lemon overwhelmed. Perhaps they areshould have ordered Hemingway favorite "stand-Dad 'by any rum sugar, double and grapefruit instead of lemon.

The bar will now appear as Papa Museum with the bust and a portrait of Hemingway and photographs on the walls of the pre ¬ revolutionary days. Despite Hemingway memorabilia, I was thinking about Frank and Ava, the thrust of Florida during their honeymoon. It had to do with music. At that time, Octavio Sanchez Oñaguirre level Dino(Cotán), sang the Cuban troubadour, Frank and Ava. Now there was a gang of four, with a female vocalist and violinist. Against the background of a complex Afro-Cuban rhythms, the singer and violinist, is that alternate without missing a beat. Frank was his joy.

Ava would back the Floridita, but without Frank. In August 1954 he visited Hemingway in Havana. Hemingway and his fourth wife, Mary, took Ava to dinner, the Floridita. Heads turn, and even Hemingwayknowledge nodding once enchanted confidante meet the Senorita, the group also invites you to attend a coffee or liquor. Ava was friendly, but has shown little interest in these native Cuban sugar producers for the most wealthy businessmen and bulbous.

It 'was a miracle that Ava does not blow up in the Floridita. Hemingway once described the two-sided personality Ava to a friend: "He could be tender, charming, witty and fun, they also had a sharp tongue and you might.. absolute hell "revered Hemingway and Ava has inherited from his love for bullfighting and bullfighters -. After the collapse of her marriage to Frank, Ava would have spent 10 years of his life in Spain.

I hired a taxi to Finca Vigia visit Hemingway - now converted into a museum - to imagine how it must have been to Ava in 1954 living in Havana.

The villa is being renovated, and we could only white space from the outside. One room had a window in the backwhere the sun sets behind the profile of Havana in the distance. They have this vision for the guests, like Ava was the promise of an exciting night in Havana is available.

During the day, unless another place, even a better view. Beside the villa there is a small tower with four floors. Mary Hemingway had designed the tower and the upper room with four windows, was an oasis, where Hemingway could write in peace. How are the rooms at the Ambos Mundos, provided that Hemingway, with the aim ofSea - quite reasonable when he wrote "The Old Man and the Sea '.

For herself, Mary had designed a sun deck, where he could have the sun in the buff.

Maria preferably naked swim in her pool, a little 'out of the house and completely covered with trees and foliage. Ava Maria apparently followed as if they were their guests to Finca Vigia. I went to the pool, a painted blue, but empty. In my mind, I asked myself in a dressing gown at the AvaSwimming pool, dropped clothes on the edge and then jump into the water elegant. Hemingway had many guests, but Ava was the most beautiful woman swimming in the pool.

On my last evening I decided to try another Hemingway favorite places, La Bodeguita del Medio bars and restaurants ¬ rant.

Just a block away from Plaza de la Catedral, one of five places in Old Havana, La Bodeguita is literally a "hole in the wall" with a lot of blocking the doorbars.

Once inside, I found myself in a crowd away from the bar three deep, which could only accommodate five people. On the wall, was his portrayal of Hemingway quote: "Daiquiri in El Floridita, mojitos at La Bodeguita del Medio".

I had to shout my order for a mojito at the expense of other Barflies, all foreign tourists. Most had a single mojito. To cope with the orders, the bartender had deployed 20 glasses for the entire length of the bar and prepared on a mojitoAssembly constant. He began gently crushing mint in each glass, poured some 'lime, by placing ice cubes in white, and then fill with some Havana Club rum for a mass market product, has good taste, even though it was almost twice more expensive than elsewhere.

Even against the wall, a group of five girls and started an organization drummer boy next to me their instruments and the place is even more cramped.

The band started with "Chan Chan ', a CubanPreferred. Dressed in white blouses and microskirts, the girls had skin shades from white to black. His next song was a sop to the foreigners: "Autumn Leaves", a Cuban rhythm played. The black singer now she played clarinet, producing a series of soulful sounds. I thought of Frank Sinatra and his interpretation of this song. He did feel that way when his marriage to Ava Gardner broke?

The bongo player accelerates the rhythm of the beat and the girls held withrhythmic movements step. I was watching and listening. There was vitality in the music that has something to do with the Cuban mentality. The whole night was to insist La Bodeguita del Medio, these sounds are Cuban. Sinatra was his great joy, because music is essential for life in Havana.

The music never stops in Havana. That night when I went to Old Havana, we had music streaming from every bar and restaurant. Old American cars with sound systems fitted in better condition than theirEngines pumped out rhythms for the pleasure this past. Locals sit on the doorsteps, their living rooms had their television music blasting at full strength. The rhythms were put on my adrenaline running high.

My best moment was when only a live band, specializing in Afro-Cuban rhythms. The band leader, saxophonist, has begun a favorite Sinatra "My Way". He himself removed from his saxophone and did the same song in every Sinatra. Then beattransferred to a complex rhythm and sounds of his saxophone sounds off. It 'was a great performance and Old Blue Eyes would have liked.

Even if he does not have it with Hemingway, Cuba share - at least for now - is still part of the world of Frank.

A Moveable Feast in Havana

!8!# Saving Snow Pusher Shovels Shop For Ag3 Batteries !8!# Tumi Villa Clearance Sale

Thursday, September 1, 2011

In Las Vegas Night

!±8± In Las Vegas Night

There is no shortage of a nightclub in Las Vegas. One of the trendy clubs of the Strip is Pure, is located at Caesars Palace. The Red Room inside Pure provides celebrities and captures a sense of luxury and refined style for a haven away from the main nightclub. The terrace of 14,000 square meters is also a great place to hang out, while at Pure. Four floors with a panoramic view of the band and plenty of VIP seating, this area there are dancing under theStars.

Rain Night Club, located in the Palms Resort offers warm white balls of fire rising real dance floor and dancing water fountains to pop music. Skybox, water booths and stalls offering an intimate relationship for 8 to 15 people.

Searching for something more sophisticated? Try the 12,000 square feet nightclub Tryst at the Wynn. This popular disco is amazing how the rest of the place in deep brown and red tones, velvet withMarble and soft lighting. A waterfall of 90 meters in a secluded lagoon offers an incredible view of the falls.

The Tao Nightclub Venetian sexy music combined with great atmosphere and a bistro Asia's late-night cravings. Guests will be swimming at the Tao-models, where the lines will be welcomed in itself quite long.

If all you care about is dancing, but, head over to Jet nightclub in the Mirage. This is a huge three-storey nightclubwith its taste and independently isolated. The technology impressed the jet with the latest lights, sounds and cryogenic effects, not to mention an army of video screens.

VIP packages that have reserved a table for four, or transportation from your hotel by limousine are elongated, and are available starting at $ 80 per person for women, or $ 90 for children.

In Las Vegas Night

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